Dr. Link Welborn to Visit Cambodia for Mission Rabies

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Dr. Link Welborn to Visit Cambodia for Mission Rabies
Posted on October 25, 2024 in Community Events, News

On Saturday, September 28, we recognized World Rabies Day. This is an annual event designated by the World Health Organization to raise awareness about rabies prevention and highlight the progress in combating the disease. The date is significant as it is the anniversary of Louis Pasteur’s death, the microbiologist, chemist, and pharmacist who developed the first rabies vaccine in 1885.

Rabies remains a serious health issue in 150 countries, killing an estimated 59,000 people, mostly children, annually with 99% of human cases resulting from infected dog bites and scratches. As a result, we also see tragically, millions of healthy dogs inhumanely killed each year in countries across the world due to the fear of this deadly virus.

At the end of this month, our Dr. Link Welborn will be traveling to Phnom Penh, Cambodia as a volunteer with the non-profit organization Mission Rabies. To date, Mission Rabies has vaccinated over 4 million dogs and educated more than 8million children about bite prevention.

During his trip, He will spend a week as a member of a team going door-to-door vaccinating dogs against rabies. This is especially important in Cambodia because they have one of the highest rabies death rates per capita in the world, with one child dying from rabies every week in Phnom Penh.

If you want to learn more about Mission Rabies, We encourage you to check out their site, and if you wish to make a donation, you can do so there.

We can’t wait to hear all about Dr. Welborn’s trip, and are very proud of him! Stay tuned for updates.

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