Community & Events
As part of our ongoing commitment to our Tampa Bay community, we regularly embrace many opportunities to give back.
Here are the most recent community sponsorships:

Veterans Parade

On Saturday November 9, 2019 at 10:00 am, our hospital group will be participating in a Veteran’s parade in Town and Country. Bring your friends and family out to enjoy the festivities, we looked forward to seeing you. Be sure to say “hi”.
In 1993 a parade was founded in the community of Town & Country in Tampa, Florida. A parade conceived of by Vietnam Veterans Mark Fogarty, USMC and E. Rock Roque, USAF.
The challenges were many, convincing the Sheriff’s Office, parade route road closures, parade participants, school bands, advertising, etc. There was an additional challenge, neither co-founder had experience.
However, it was easily determined that Hanley Road would provide the best parade route with Webb Middle School as the review area. Fortunately early on, there were a few sponsors, Bill Curry Ford, who very generously furnished vehicles for the Grand Marshal and dignitaries.
The First Parade was disappointing, but the co-founders were not deterred and planned for the second with an additional feature… a community festival with games and food provided by local restaurants. The community festival was set up on the grounds of Webb Middle School in close proximity to the review stand. However, the events at the community festival were scheduled to begin only after the conclusion of the parade.