Pet Disaster Preparedness

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Pet Disaster Preparedness
Posted on May 5, 2020 in News

Planning ahead is key to keeping your family and pets safe if a disaster strikes. With hurricane season beginning on June 1st, we would like for you all and your pets to be as prepared as possible. The most important reminder is that your pets should never be left behind to fend for themselves. If it is not safe for you, it is definitely not safe for them. Always find a way to either take them with you, or ensure their safety with friends and family, or in a boarding facility. Be sure to have enough carriers for each pet, and have a plan on where you are going. Remember, your pets are worried and scared just like you. Comfort them and help them feel secure in an emergency.

Follow these tips to make an emergency plan for your pets:

  • Microchip your pets.
  • Keep a collar and tag on cats and dogs.
  • Plan a pet friendly place to stay.
  • Prepare an emergency kit for each animal.
  • Identify emergency veterinary facilities outside your immediate area.
  • Plan for temporary confinement.
  • Know where to search for lost animals.
  • Enlist family members (Including children) in this emergency plan.

Read more here.

Also see: Hurricane Preparedness For Your Pet

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