Questions & Answers

Seeking a second opinion is never a bad idea provided the veterinarian providing the second opinion has a high level of knowledge and expertise in the medical problem. There are several surgical procedures, including TTA, TPLO, and Tightrope, that are...
Many dogs and cats get along very well, especially if they’ve grown up with each other or have prior experience living with the other species. But dogs who have never lived with cats are more likely to treat cats like...
Nursing puppies ingest immunizing antibodies from their mother. These maternal antibodies provide early protection against infectious disease. However, they also neutralize the immunizing agents in vaccines. Maternal antibodies naturally decline during the first 3 to 4 months of life and...
We utilize an inactivated, non-adjuvanted rabies vaccine for cats because this vaccine is less likely to stimulate an inflammatory response at the site of the injection that could, in rare cases, trigger the development of a potentially life-threatening fibrosarcoma tumor....
Owning a pet can be a wonderful, rewarding experience for you and your family. However, pets can transmit diseases- called zoonotic diseases or zoonoses (pronounced zoo-no-ses)—which may be harmful to humans-especially young children and people with certain medical conditions.  ...
I’m sorry that your pet is having these problems. While medications can be used to decrease the discomfort and inflammation associated with cranial (anterior) cruciate ligament rupture, there is no long-term alternative to surgery. The cost of the anesthesia, surgery,...

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