Questions & Answers
By Terri Johnson, MSS, CVT The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) is an international association with membership of more than 42,000 veterinary care providers across the United States and Canada. AAHA is a non-regulatory, independent association dedicated to helping members...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has launched a new Web site devoted to international pet travel. Pets are often considered part of the family, but traveling with a pet isn’t as simple...
The cloudy water problems that you are experiencing are unlikely to be related to your home water filter. I would agree that the water conditioner that you are using is safe and also unlikely to be the cause of the...
Common causes for eye problems in geckos include bacterial infections (many times bacteria from the mouth travel up the tear duct into the eyes), shedding problems, and foreign bodies. Each of these problems would be treated quite differently. The first...
Thanks for your question. Iguanas, like all reptiles are cold-blooded and their immune system will not work as well as it should when they are cold. Check out for great husbandry information to properly set up a habitat for...
Iguanas, although fairly popular as pets, are quite difficult to look after properly. They grow quite large (5-6′ in length) and can be aggressive. Many of the medical problems that they suffer from are related to inappropriate living conditions or...
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