Questions & Answers

Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, noticeable bleeding is never normal in guinea pigs and is typically not part of their natural cycle. Other causes such as bladder or other urinary stones, infections, or other abnormalities may be causing those...
Hello! While guinea pigs can certainly have respiratory infections that can cause eye drainage and crusting, other problems could also cause her symptoms. A corneal ulcer or scratch from hay or something in her pen is also common and can...
Thank you for contacting us with your question! My name is Dr. Kristi Rhodes and I am a veterinarian at North Bay Animal Hospital. My interest is primarily in exotic animal medicine because I love rats as well, so I...
Whenever an older guinea pig is having wetness under his chin and showing weight loss, I am concerned about dental disease causing discomfort and loss of appetite. Dental disease can be managed through a thorough oral exam, trimming and evaluation...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has launched a new Web site devoted to international pet travel. Pets are often considered part of the family, but traveling with a pet isn’t as simple...
Guinea pigs can have dark orange urine normally due to pigments they ingest from their food.  True blood in the urine can occur commonly as well and cause pink to red urine. Blood in the urine may be due to...

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