Questions & Answers

Our cockatiel doesn’t want to open his wings and may have suffered a wing injury. Is it still possible for a vet to treat him? Also, how much would it cost?

Q: Our cockatiel doesn’t want to open his wings, not even to preen or stretch. He previously had a high vertical cage, and sometimes lost his balance, falling to the bottom. We got him a new cage, with the perches a few inches off of the ground to prevent serious injury, but I fear our response may have been too late. I haven’t seen him open his wings for a long time, and  Because he doesn’t preen, his wing feathers are very disorganized, and his feet get tangled in them. His injury happened a long while ago. Is it still possible for a vet to treat him? Also, how much would it cost? Thank you.

A: Yes, as you suspect, it sounds like he needs to see the doctor.  What you are describing does not sound normal.  Your safest bet is to have your cockatiel examined.  A comprehensive examination is $56. The doctor can give you plan and the costs of that plan at that time once they can see what is going on.  You can call us Tuesday morning and we will get you in.  See you then!

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Virtual Care… 24/7!  Videochat with your Veterinarian using the Airvet app.

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Virtual Care… 24/7!  Videochat with your Veterinarian using the Airvet app.

We believe that access to pet care should extend beyond the walls of our office. For help, questions, concerns, or to do virtual follow-ups, Videochat with one of our vets - with our new Airvet app.

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Virtual Care… 24/7!  Videochat with your Veterinarian using the Airvet app.

We believe that access to pet care should extend beyond the walls of our office. For help, questions, concerns, or to do virtual follow-ups, Videochat with one of our vets - with our new Airvet app.

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