Questions & Answers

Can you suggest a reliable breeder of parakeets in the north Tampa area?

Thanks for contacting us with your question.

I assume by parakeet you mean budgerigar, or budgie.  The reason that I ask is that there is a whole family of parakeets (the genus Psittacula) that include Indian Ring-necked parakeets, Moustached parakeets, Alexandrine Parakeets, and Derbian Parakeets.  These medium-sized birds make wonderful pets.  The book “Birds for Dummies” by Brian Speer is an excellent resource on general bird care.

Regardless of the species you are looking for, I unfortunately do not have any individual breeder recommendations.  I would look for birds that are hand-raised and certified free of Psittacosis (a bacterial infection) and that have had a veterinary exam.  Wherever you obtain your pet, be sure that you have your new pet examined for a beak to tail examination as soon as possible after purchase.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

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