Questions & Answers

We have a Boxer puppy and have noticed has enlarged vulva and nipples. Treated for possible infection with antibiotics, but still no change. Now at four months old, her condition has remained the same. Our vet thinks she might be a hermaphrodite and wanted to scope her when she turned six months. I have heard that this could be caused by human use of hormone creams. My girlfriend uses a topical hormone cream. We have taken steps in keeping it clear of our puppy now. Will she get better and go back to being normal? What can I tell my vet to check for to see if this is the actual culprit?

Thanks for your question.

Affected puppies should have a Complete Blood Count performed to ensure that their bone marrow has not been affected.  This is a routine test that your veterinarian can do. Clinical signs (enlarged nipples and vulva) can take weeks to months to resolve after removing the source of the hormone.  It is advised to monitor these pets closely throughout their lives for mammary (breast tissue) tumors as it is unknown what role the extra hormone exposure may have in tumor development.

Users of hormone sprays and creams should take extreme caution to prevent exposure to their pets.  Wear disposable gloves when applying these drugs; apply only to skin areas to which their pets will never be exposed and wash hands thoroughly after application.

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Virtual Care… 24/7!  Videochat with your Veterinarian using the Airvet app.

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