Tag: pets

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Posted on November 1, 2023 in News, Tips & Advice
We love our senior pets—that’s why we are thrilled that November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month! If you’ve been thinking about adding a four-legged-friend to your family, consider opening your home and your heart to an older dog or...
Posted on December 15, 2020 in News, Caring for your pet, Tips & Advice
New Year’s Eve is right around the corner! And the sounds of celebration – the horns, fireworks, continuous doorbells announcing guests – are great fun for people, but not always for our dogs. In fact, 46% of dog owners reported...
Posted on January 31, 2018 in News, Caring for your pet
Those pesky varmints have been living and eating with you for free. What do you get in return? Parasites and a whole lot of headaches. Here’s how to keep wildlife at bay. Before we start wildlife-proofing, it’s important to know...
Despite your best efforts, your dog or cat has slipped out an open door and disappeared. If he’s wearing a collar and identification tag, chances are good that you’ll get him back. But what if the collar comes off or he...
Posted on January 10, 2012 in Caring for your pet, News, Tips & Advice
Thinking about giving your pet an aspirin to ease its pain? Think again! Human painkillers including ibuprofen, aspirin and acetaminophen can be dangerous and even deadly to animals. Though acetaminophen can ease a human tension headache, one tablet of 500 mg...

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