Take Your Dog To Work Day – June 25, 2021

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Posted on June 9, 2021 in News
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© Tampa Bay Vets

Most of us can’t wait for the weekend to arrive. But if there’s one time during the year that you may look forward to the Monday-to-Friday work routine more than Saturday, it’s probably during National Take Your Dog to Work Day, which occurs on the Friday after Father’s Day each year. (Sometimes this is the third Friday in June, and sometimes it’s the fourth Friday.) Now, you’re going to have to make sure you have the permission of your boss and company before you bring Fido to work on National Take Your Dog to Work Day.

But if you receive the green light from your company, this holiday is a great way to show off your dog to your coworkers. National Take Your Dog to Work Day began in 1999 as a way to celebrate companion dogs and to encourage adoptions. Having your dog at work with you all day may make it a little tough to get all of your tasks done. But having the dog with you may allow you to interact with your coworkers in a whole new way, as the dog is a great icebreaker. Pitch that idea of promoting better communication and teamwork to your boss, and you may convince him or her to allow you to have Fido sitting next to your desk, celebrating this holiday.

National Take Your Dog to Work Day Activities

  1. Participate in the holiday with your dog

    This best way to have fun with National Take Your Dog to Work Day is to – not so surprisingly – take your dog to work on this day. As long as the boss is in favor of this holiday, having a day with your dog at work should be fun … and may help you figure out which of your coworkers look like their dogs. (Scientists actually study this phenomenon and are paid to do so.)

  2. Volunteer at an animal shelter

    Even if you don’t own a dog, perhaps you can find a way to participate in this holiday by helping with dogs. Contact local animal shelters and offer to donate a few hours to walk dogs, help with feeding, or whatever tasks are needed. Consider asking if your company sponsors volunteer opportunities, and you may be able to take half a day off to do the volunteer work.

  3. Sign up for a training class

    If you’re afraid your dog is too rambunctious to do well at your workplace, use the holiday as the impetus to sign up for training classes. Your dog will be happier with the structure that training provides, and you’ll be happier having an obedient dog. Here is a list of some trainers we work with.

Why We Love National Take Your Dog to Work Day

  1. It celebrates dogs

    Many people love dogs, and dog owners are always willing to talk about and show off their dogs. So having the ability to introduce your dog to your coworkers is a great way to celebrate your dog’s best traits. And who knows? You may find that your dog changes someone’s mind about how they feel about dogs.

  2. It can make work fun … at least for one day

    Think back to your elementary school days and how much fun it was when something different was going to happen at school. Changing the standard day at the office by having people bring their dogs can do the same thing. People will be more excited about coming to work, and they may actually stay all the way until 5 p.m. for a change.

  3. It isn’t necessarily just for dogs

    Even if you don’t have a dog, you can participate throughout the week leading up to the Friday after Father’s Day with Take Your Pet to Work Week. So if you have a parrot, goldfish, or something a bit more exotic, check with your boss to see if you can bring your pet at some point during the week. (However, we would recommend against bringing your cat to work on National Take Your Dog to Work Day – bring the cat earlier in the week on a different, non-dog day.)


Courtesy of National Today
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